Intellectual Disability Guidelines & Resources
The following guidelines are to assist mainstream services in their delivery of services to people with an intellectual disability:
The Essentials by the Agency for Clinical Innovation
The purpose of the Essentials is to help improve health services to people with intellectual disability in NSW.
This resource will guide health services sector staff and other service providers to better understand and meet the complex and multiple health needs of people with an intellectual disability and their carers.
You can complete the self-assessment tool and determine the areas for action your organisation can focus on, to bring about awareness and change.
3DN Resources
various 3DN from the University of New South Wales Intellectual Disability Chair have been prepared specifically on mental health and intellectual disability for adults and include:
People with an Intellectual Disability
- My Signs a tool that can be used to support the mental health assessment of people with intellectual disability and communication difficulties
Monash Health, Victoria
Working with people with intellectual disabilities in healthcare settings is a Monash Health in Victoria document that is a nice summary of what considerations need to be made when caring for people with an intellectual disability.