CHW School-Link Newsletter
Volume 1 Issue 1 March/April 2010
(968K)This is the inaurgral CHW School-Link Newsletter. Highlights include: Coordinators Message: Its Time by Jodie Caruana. Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Literature Review Excerpt. Guest Writer: Mind Matters by Maryanne Vorreiter and Jason Pascoe Case Study by Louisa Carroll. A Day in the life of a SSP School Counsellor by Kellie Van Sebille How much should we worry about the mental health needs of children and adolescents with or without intellectual disability? by Dr David Dossetor. -
Volume 1 Issue 2 June 2010
(694K)This is the 2nd issue of the CHW School-Link newsletter. Highlights include: A Framework for Professional Practice: Behind the Scenes of the Educational Program and Book by Donna White, David Dossetor, and Lesley Whatson. Shared Care Family Support Program by Natalie Robbins and Jessica Radovan, Interaction Disability Services. Case Study by Lesley Whatson. A Day in the life of a Developmental Paediatrician by Jacqueline Small. The Medicine Cabinet: overview of psychotropics by George Liangas. A Note from David Dossetor: Clarifying concepts of disturbance, disorder and mental illness in children and adolescents with intellectual disability by Associate Professor David Dossetor. -
Volume 1 Issue 3/4 December 2010
(1.1M)1 Coordinators Message - Jodie Caruana 2 Feature Article: Positive Behaviour for Learning - Mooney et al 2008 4 TCP goes to Rome - Lesley Whatson 5 Upcoming Training 6 A Day in the Life of Cultural Clinical Consultant and Case Study - Hadia Baassiri 8 Resources/Reading List 9 The Medicine Cabinet: Ritalin - George Liangas 10 In the News/Reviews 12 Training in Mental Health and Intellectual Disability for Paediatricians - Dr Pankaj Garg 14 Appreciating the more important things of Life: Professor Trevor Parmenter’s Festschrift- Associate Professor David Dossetor -
Volume 2 Issue 1 March 2011
(609K)Highlights include: •Feature article on Behavioural Phenotypes: A Window into the Mechanisms of the Mind by Associate Professor David Dossetor, CHW. •Staying In: A Day in the Hall Ward Inpatient Unit by Zoe Quick, CHW •The Medicine Cabinet: Risperidone and other atypical antipsychotics by George Liangas •Meet Dr. Phil Ray Clinical Psychologist CHW •ADHC Shared Care Family Support by Lauren Neeve, ADHC •About the New Intellectual Disability Network by Maxine Anderson, ACI •Upcoming training •Resources/reading list •In the news/reviews •Plus much much more! -
Volume 2 Issue 2 June/July 2011
(545K)Highlights include: •Identifying factors that impede training and service development for mental health of children and adolescents with intellectual disability by Associate Professor David Dossetor •Discovering the possibilities with visual strategies: A Training Day with Linda Hodgdon by Anders Hansson •Running Group Stepping Stones Triple P within a school - How Successful is it? by Michelle Jewell •The medicine cabinet: fluoxetine and autism by Judith Longworth •AAC apps-speaking APPropriately by Jane Farrall •Upcoming training, reviews, reading list, resources and more. -
Volume 2 Issue 3 November 2011
(587K)Highlights include: •How much do we value families and how much does it impact on children with intellectual disability? by Associate Professor David Dossetor (CHW) •Supporting individuals with an intellectual disability through grief, loss and bereavement by Helen Goltzoff (ADHC) •The Medicine Cabinet : Sleep Glorious Sleep by Judith Longworth (CHW) •Refugee, mental health, and intellectual disability by Gemma Jenkins (DEC) •Details on new book release: Mental health in children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities by Dossetor, White and Lesley (2011). -
Volume 3 Issue 1 March 2012
(723K)Highlights include: •Mental Health Problems: Disorders of Social Development caused by maladaptation's of ‘Theory of Mind’? A Developmental Psychiatry View by Associate Professor David Dossetor •A focus on Fragile X Syndrome •Organisation Profile: WWILD-SVP •Conference Review: Translating Genetics to Phenotype: the Society for the Study for Behavioural Phenotypes Research Symposium, Brisbane •Justice Health School-Link Initiative:supporting young offenders get back on track through Kim Eisler •Transcribe 2011 Young writers entry: Some Miracles Work by Vivian Tran •Siblings Australia resources by Barbara Fleming •The Medicine Cabinet: Obesity, by Judy Longworth •Upcoming training •Resources/reading list •In the news/reviews -
Volume 3 Issue 2 August 2012
(767K)Highlights include: *Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Raising awareness of a preventable disability in our midst by Associate Professor David Dossetor *Neglect and the Developing Brain by Dr Phil Ray *Play Therapy and the Yellow Brick Road by Kellie van Sebille *Conference reviews, upcoming training and much more. -
Volume 3 Issue 3/4 December 2012
(749K)Highlights include: •Moving to Learn, Learning to Move: The importance of Motor Development in Mental Health and Intellectual Disability by Associate Professor Dr David Dossetor •Interview with Professor Eric Emerson •The Medicine Cabinet: Mood Stabilisers by Judy Longworth •Report on the School-Link Group Stepping Stones Triple P Pilot with ADHC and Special Education Schools. •Ruth Still's reflection upon retirement •Conference reviews, upcoming training and much more. -
Volume 4 Issue 1 April 2013
(747K)Highlights include: •Better Health Services for People with Intellectual Disability in NSW by Associate Professor David Dossetor •Beyond the Walls of the Play Therapy Room Ageing, Disability and Home Care Play Therapy Team •Less Heat, More Warmth by Ian Luscombe •Getting Students Ready for Life after School by Nicole Ison •Every Student, Every School by Melissa Clements •The Medicine Cabinet: Mood Stabilisers by Judy Longworth •NSW Carer of the Year by Maria Heaton •Emotion Based Social Skills Training for Children with Autism Improves Children’s Emotion Skills by Dr Michelle Wong •Responsibilities and Rights for Consumers and their Carers and Advocates of People with an Intellectual disability to enable Equity of Access to Health Services in NSW by David Dossetor and the Models of Care Subcommittee of the NSW ACI Disability Network •Promoting Resilience by Jodie Caruana •Upcoming training, Resources and Readings -
Volume 4 Issue 1 References
(188K)The accompanying references for Dr David Dossetor's article "Better Health Services for People with Intellectual Disability in NSW: The Agency of Clinical Innovation Disability Network." in Volume 4 Issue 1 2013 -
Volume 4 Issue 2 September 2013
(1.5M)Highlights include: Health Economics for Mental Health and Intellectual Disability "A stitch in time saves 83" by Associate Professor David Dossetor Getting Students Ready for School by Michelle Hayter-Falconer and Nicole Ison An Interview with Professor Les White by Hebah Saleh The Medicine Cabinet: Quetiapine – a weak antipsychotic that is a great anxiolytic and excellent for acute agitation by Judith Longworth and Kenneth Nunn. The National Roundtable on the Mental Health of People with Intellectual Disability: A Summary by Associate Professor David Dossetor Conference Reviews, Reviews, Upcoming Training -
Volume 4 Issue 3/4 December 2013
(2.1M)Highlights include: Draft Guidelines on the Pathways to Care for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability and Challenging Behaviour and/or Mental Health Problems by David Dossetor; Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAP; Report on the Society for the Study of Behavioural Phenotypes Conference by Dr Peter Wurth; Using the Positive Behaviour for Learning Framework by Leanne Neville; Collaboration: not the Emperors New Clothes by Terry Sarten; Neuropsychological Profile of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders by Dr Phil Ray; Neuroscience of caregiving: a seminar with Dr Daniel Hughes by Anders Hansson; Personalised Learning and Support for Students with Additional Needs: Every Student Every School by Katrina Worrall; The Medicine Cabinet: Clonidine by Judy Longworth -
Volume 5 Issue 1 June 2014
(918K)Diagnosis, Psychotropic Medication and Outcome in an audit of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatric Patients by David Dossetor; Conference Review: The Good Childhood Conference, Melbourne by Sarah Chaplin; Review of Managing Madness: Mental Health and Complexity in Public Policy, Evidence Base by Terry Sarten; The Challenge of Challenging Behaviour by Tom Tutton; The Medicine Cabinet: Adverse Reactions by Judy Longworth; Interview with Paul Hutchins; Trajectory: Changing the Direction by Terry Sarten; Simon: A Very Special Olympian! The Benefits of Exercise on Children and Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disability by Jodie Caruana; A Day in the Life of a Music Therapist by Miriam Crombie and Roxanne McLeod; Book Review: Social Work Practice and Intellectual Disability Review by Terry Sarten; Conference Report: The Second Annual ACI Intellectual Disability Health Network Forum by David Dossetor. -
Volume 5 Issue 2 October 2014
(1.1M)Highlights include: Adolescent Strugglers and Copers: How cognitive stress and anxiety precipitate or protect psychosis in the developmental brain vulnerabilities of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome or Velo Car-dio Facial Syndrome (VCFS) by DAVID DOSSETOR pg 4, Parent Training to Reduce Behavioural and Emotional Problems in Children with Developmental Disabilities by KRISTINA CLARKE pg 8, Conference Review: The 15th Congress of European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Dublin July 6-12th 2013 by DAVID DOSSETOR pg 10, The Physical Punishment of Children: Creating social change by TERRY SARTEN pg 12, Readings pg 15, The Medicine Cabinet: Aripiprazole by JUDY LONGWORTH pg 16, Book review by HEBAH SALEH pg 19, Unfogging the Future: Update on the National Disability Insurance Scheme by JODIE CARUANA pg 20, Team Westmead Autism by MICHELLE WONG pg 23, Through the Looking Glass: An insight into the future of ADHC as we know it. Interview with David Coyne by HEBAH SALEH pg 24. -
Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2015
(1.2M)Highlights include:What will the NDIS do for subspecialty expertise and the multidisciplinary services for complex mental health problems of young people with intellectual disability? Implications from the Centre for Disability Study’s review of the Developmental Psychiatry Clinic by David Dossetor on page 4; Autism Spectrum Disorders: Implications from the changes in DSM-V by Louisa Carroll on page 12; The Medicine Cabinet: FAQs for Allergies and Anaphylaxis by Judy Longworth on page 16; The Community Room: Connecting schools, support agencies and families and transforming lives by Michelle Montgomery on page 18 Developmental Disabilities, Challenging Behaviour and Mental Health: Research to Practice and Policy– Conference Review by Rowan Keighran on page 20; Book Excerpt: Ten things every child with Autism wishes you knew by Ellen Notbohm on page 23; Equal before the Law: Towards Disability Justice Strategies by Terry Sarten on page 26; The Client Monitoring and Review System (CMRS) by Rachel Rowles and Lesley Whatson on page 28; Interview with Professor Julian Trollor on page 32. -
Volume 6 Issue 2 September 2015
(1.3M)Highlights include: • The Developmental Psychiatry Clinic by Associate Professor David Dossetor • Introducing the Practice Improvement Framework by Katelynd Turner • The Medicine Cabinet: Propranolol by Judy Longworth • Taking Time: A Trauma Informed Framework for Supporting People with Intellectual Disability by Jackson and Waters • Occupational Therapy and working with children and adolescents with intellectual/developmental disability and mental health problems by Sarah White • Learning and Support Teams by Department of Education • Conference Report: European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) 2015 Madrid by Associate Professor David Dossetor -
Volume 7 Issue 1 February 2016
(1.6M)Highlights include: *Violence in children and adolescents with an intellectual disability and the importance of safety by David Dossetor. *Matthews’ story by Janine and Leonard. *Responding to sexual behaviours of children and young people with an intellectual disability by Deborah Corfield and Lesley Whatson. *Knowledge is light: an interview with Sue Foley. *The medicine cabinet: Anxiety treatment when SSRI's fail by Judy Longworth. *Current models of health service delivery for people with intellectual disability by Gianfranco Giuntoli, BJ Newton and Karen R. Fisher. -
Volume 7 Issue 2 September 2016
(1.3M)Highlights include: Engaging learners with complex learning needs: A review by Dr David Dossetor; Intellectual disability mental health core competency framework; The role of occupational therapy in behaviour support work by Lucinda Mora and Susan Heiler; Treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders: book review by Dr Meenakshi Rattan; Insight into a mental health review tribunal by Jodie Caruana; Reflections of a paediatric fellow on child neurodevelopmental psychiatry by Dr Meenakshi Rattan; Meet Jessica report by the School-Link Team, plus much more. -
Volume 7 Issue 3/4 December 2016
(1.3M)Highlights include: The Future of Our Children’s Mind, Spirit and Soul: Will the digital revolution destroy them or can schools grow them? by David Dossetor Notes from the 19th Society for the Study of Behavioural Phenotypes (SSBP) International Research Symposium by Peter Wurth The Medicine Cabinet: Atomoxetine by Judy Longworth Addressing cardiometabolic risk factors in people with an intellectual disability by Jessica Walsh, Professor Katherine Samaras and Professor Julian Trollor The 15th World Congress of the International Association for the Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID) by David Dossetor IASSID Symposium on Quality of Life in Children with Intellectual Disability by Donna White A report on the inaugural meeting of the Bowral Mental Health Intellectual Disability Professionals Network Resource Spotlight: Carer Checklist by Carers Australia and KidsQuit -
Volume 8 Issue 1 June 2017
(1.1M)Highlights include: Catatonia: an under-recognised, acutely treatable condition in young people with intellectual disability/ASD by Dr David Dossetor The Medicine Cabinet: Some Medicines Don’t Mix by Judy Longworth Say Less Show More: Visuals improving health care delivery by Dr Jacqueline Small Book Review:“Interventions for Autism: Evidence for Educational and Clinical Practice” by Dr David Dossetor De-mystifying the Mysterious: Reflections from a Fellowship Year in Intellectual Disability Psychiatry by Dr Rebecca Koncz Project Air Strategy for Schools by Kim Eisler -
Volume 8 Issue 2 December 2017
(1.9M)Highlights include: Ewan’s story: Psychosis in Intellectual Disability and Autism by Ewan's parents and David Dossetor 3DN Improving Mental Health and Well-being of People with Intellectual Disability by Kim Eisler The Westmead Feelings Program 1 Launch by Dr Michelle Wong The Medicine Cabinet: Medicinal Cannabis – why the fuss? by Judy Longworth An Integrated Approach to Mental Health Care Provision for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual disability by Dr Peter Wurth, Dr Patrick Concannon, Helen Appleton, Andrew Frakes & Kerrie Nelson The Knotted Cord: A book review by Meena Rattan and David Dossetor Connecting Animals with People: implications for well-being and therapeutic applications by Kim Eisler -
Volume 9 Issue 1 July 2018
(1.5M)Highlights include: • Behavioural Phenotypes: The changing role of the neurodevelopmental psychiatrist; genetic simplification only serves to illuminate complexity by Associate Professor David Dossetor and Dr Deepa Singhal • The Children's Hospital at Westmead School-Link Satisfaction Survey results 2017/8 by Kim Eisler • The Medicine Cabinet: Guanfacine by Judy Longworth • Interview with Barbara Lewis, Manager of the Carer Support Service at the Royal North Shore Hospital •Conference Review: European Association for Mental Health in Intellectual Disability 2017, Luxembourg by David Dossetor • Readings and Resources -
Volume 9 Issue 2 December 2018
(2M)Highlights include: •A Pilot Multidisciplinary Clinic at Aspect Autism School by a Specialist Mental Health Team by Associate Professor David Dossetor and Dr Deepa Singhal, Tom Butterworth and Dr. Michelle Wong •The Medicine Cabinet: Placebo or Nocebo by Judy Longworth •Interview with Leanne Dowse from the University of NSW •Conference Review: Society for the Study of Behaviour Phenotypes (SSBP) 21st International Research Symposium 2018 by Peter Wurth •Case Report: The Successful use of ECT in a Youth with Autism, Major Depression, Severe Intellectual Disability and Self Injury by Peter Wurth, Shirley-Anne McIntyre, Priyani Ratnayake and Janelle Walker •Readings and Resources